Chapter 37
‘Tis the Season
That morning, Ivy and Victor were in her studio. She was drawing on her easel and Victor was lying on the lounge totally nude. Victor had his arms behind his head and smiled at her. Ivy smiled at him as she drew him with her charcoal.
Victor: “So, my family is having their Christmas ball this year…”
He stated as his voice trailed off.
Ivy: “Oh… what about it?”
She asked as she added the finishing touches. Victor smiled and rose, approaching her and embracing her from behind. Ivy shivered and froze as his naked body was close to her.
Victor: “I’m going to have Ashley bake a cake just for you…”
He whispered in her ear. Ivy shivered to his whispers.
Ivy: “Oh… that’s awfully sweet of you Victor but… Christmas isn’t about me. It’s not my birthday!”She said gently and chuckled a bit. Victor chuckled.
Victor: “I feel every day with you in my life is special.”
He crooned.
Ivy: “Aww, that’s sweet.”She smiled at him. He kissed her head.
He strolled to the lounge and shrugged into his robe.
Victor: “Also, Mother’s party planner retired so she’s going to have to find another one.”
Ivy: “Anyone but Lucy.”
She growled. Victor nodded.
Victor: “Noted! This ball is going to be special and just for you!”
He cupped her cheeks and kissed her.
Honorine stood by the door, listening on, and nodded. She abruptly left.
Victor looked at the clock on the wall.
Victor: “It’s past twelve… Is Tristan going to work today?”
He asked Ivy.
Ivy: “How should I know?”
She shrugged.
Victor: “I should check on him… I don’t want him to miss work.”
He tightened the knot on his robe and left the studio.
Ivy: “That’s not your problem or responsibility though.”
She said and followed him.
Victor: “He’s my son and I’m always his father, no matter how big he gets.”
He nodded and went to his room. He opened the door to see Tristan and Deimos asleep in his bed with Tristan’s arm around Deimos, and his head on his chest. Oliver was sleeping, his head on Francis. Ivy tugged on Victor’s sleeve.
Ivy: “It’s Saturday, Victor. Tristan doesn’t work today.”
She whispered. Victor nodded and they left, closing the door behind them.
Victor: “So my son finally found someone!”
He sighed happily.
Ivy: “Oh? Deimos?”
She asked nonchalantly.
Victor: “Yes! I’m so happy to see my little boy all grown up!”
He said giddily.
Ivy: “That’s great.”
Victor: “I think you will understand better when we have children.”
He nodded.
Ivy: “Maybe you’re right.”
She smiled.
Victor: “Okay, I will get dressed and go to put in your cake order for you.”
He kissed her and walked down the walkway to their bedroom.
Ivy: “How about a cake for us both?”
She suggested. He turned around and smiled.
Victor: “What do you suggest?”
He cupped his chin.
Ivy: “Hmm, well we both like peacocks, right? So, how about a peacock cake?”
She suggested with enthusiasm, gesturing to the peacock decor in their bedroom.
Victor: “You read my mind! That’s exactly what I was going to have made!”
He spread his arms out. She gave a coy smirk.
Ivy: “Oh, really? That’s perfect then!”
She beamed.
Victor: “I know you, Ivy.”
He said softly.
Victor walked from the Donati house to Lazaros’ house after Shauna told him Ashley was at Lazaros’. Victor went up the steps and knocked on Lazaros’ door. Lazaros answered and was surprised to see Victor there.
Lazaros: “H-Hello, Victor. What can I do for you?”
He stammered. Victor beamed.
Victor: “I came to see Ashley! I want them to bake a cake for my princess for Christmas!”
He spread his arms out.
Lazaros: “Oh, you mean Tristan’s leftovers he discarded when he sunk his meathooks in my brother?”
He leaned on the doorway. Victor grimaced.
Victor: “She’s NOT that! Tristan found happiness and so did I! I want to show her that!”
He snapped.
They heard bells jingling and turned to see Ashley scampering up to them wearing Christmas bells on their anklet. Lazaros smiled when he saw Ashley show up.
Ashley: “Hello! Nice to meet you!”
They waved at Victor.
Victor: “We’ve already met! I’m Victor Trémaux—Tristan’s father! I got a haircut!”
He smiled at them. Ashley paused with widened eyes when they realized.
Ashley: “OH! Wow, you look so different and more like a dad now, haha!”
They stated.
Victor: “Hahaha, thank you! Well, I am a father to a special boy! He finally found someone!”
He said giddily. Lazaros rolled his eyes. Yeah, everyone knows this, he thought dryly.
Ashley: “OH?! Tristan and Deimos finally got together?!”
They squealed. Victor nodded happily.
Victor: “YES, they did! I went to wake my son to go to work and saw them snuggling in bed. It makes me proud as a father!”
He clamped his hand to his chest and smiled.
Ashley: “Aww, that’s so totally sweet!”
They clasped their hands together.
Victor: “Anyway, I want you to bake me a peacock cake for us! It’s for the family Christmas ball!”
He nodded.
Ashley: “Ooh! A peacock? That’s such a unique Christmas cake! What flavor did you want?”
They smiled and nodded.
Victor: “Chocolate is fine!”
He replied.
Ashley: “Okeydokey, what kind? Baci chocolate? Death by chocolate? White chocolate? Chocolate ganache?”
They scratched their head.
Victor: “Oooh, baci!”
He replied, recalling Ivy telling him she loved that.
Ashley: “Good choice! Baci is my fave chocolate!”
They smiled.
Victor: “Thank you! Okay, I will leave you to go to work then. I’m going to pose nude for Ivy to draw me!”
He chuckled. Lazaros rolled his eyes. Too much information pops, he thought dryly. Ashley shifted uncomfortably.
Ashley: “Uh okay, I’ll work on your peacock cake!”
They stammered awkwardly. Victor smiled, nodded, and left.
An hour later, Lucy was driving down Spring Garden Lane in her red 1987 Ford Taurus after speaking with Honorine after she hired her to plan the ball. She wore a pink dress suit with pink heels and a string of pearls around her neck. She parked in front of Lazaros’ house and climbed up the steps to knock on the door. Lazaros answered.
Lazaros: “Hello! Can I help you, Ma’am?”
Lucy handed him her business card and let herself in.
Lucy: “Good afternoon, sir! Lucy Lynes, party planner, at your service! I am here to see an Ashley Sabatini! The hostess’ son hired her to bake him a cake for Ivy and as a party planner I am here to overlook everything and see it fit.”
She smiled.
Ashley peeped out from behind Lazaros.
Ashley: “That’s me! Oh! He didn’t mention Lucy Lion? When I was a kid I collected jungle cat dolls and had Lucy Lion, Charlie Cheetah, and Patty Panther!”
They smiled. Lucy glared at Ashley.
Lucy: “Yeah, honey, I don’t care. I am here to change the order because the hostess wants this. I want you to make a lifesize cake of Ivy in this dress.”
She held up a picture of a pink ball gown with a tiara. Ashley’s eyes widened.
Ashley: “Oh wow, I never knew Ivy wore pink princess dresses. I thought she was a goth?”
They scratched their head.
Lucy: “This is for a special occasion, honey. It’s to show how much her new prince appreciates his princess!”
She beamed.
Ashley: “Oh, that’s sweet! Is it her birthday or something?”
They asked.
Lucy: “No, honey, it’s a Christmas ball and you have to make this cake for the ball!”
Her smile spread to show her even white teeth. Ashley tilted their head, looking confused.
Ashley: “...I’m confused. How’s this Christmasy?”
They scratched their head.
Lazaros: “Don’t ask questions, Ashley. It’s for the customer and the customer is always right.”
He said with some irritation. Lucy smiled at Lazaros.
Lucy: “Glad to see someone is thinking with their head!”
She quipped. Ashley bowed their head.
Ashley: “Um, sure, okay, if that’s what you want. So, this cake is bigger than the peacock one, so it’ll be an extra five bucks if that’s okay? So it’ll be twenty bucks… is that okay?”
They asked meekly.
Lazaros: “Actually, this cake will be fourteen hundred dollars.”
He interjected. Ashley’s eyebrows rose and their jaw dropped.
Lucy: “Done!”
She withdrew her checkbook and made a check out to Ashley. Lazaros took it and nodded. Ashley’s jaw remained agape. They couldn’t believe she wanted to pay that much for their cake.
Lucy: “I want it done for the ball. You two will present it.”
She instructed.
Lazaros: “Will do!”
Ashley blushed and swallowed hard.
Ashley: “...Y-You want us both to present it… together?”
They stammered.
Lucy: “Did I stutter?”
She rolled her eyes.
Ashley: “No! You didn’t…”
They said softly and looked over at Lazaros.
Lazaros: “We will be there.”
He smiled tightly.
Ashley: “I’ll be there with bells on!”
They smiled and jingled their anklet around their foot. Lucy rolled her eyes, turned around, and left. Lazaros closed the door behind her.
Ashley: “Wow… fourteen hundred dollars?! Y-You think my baking is worth that much?!”
They gaped at Lazaros.
Lazaros: “Yes, so we better get to work!”
He clasped his hands and couldn’t wait to see the look on Ivy’s face when she saw that cake.
Ashley: “Y-You’re baking with me?! Oh, my stars! I’m so excited!”
They beamed and couldn’t wait to bond with him in the kitchen together.
Jaclyn came out of the bushes and snarled. That green cow is getting Lazaros and that fat moron to bake her cake, is she?! She thought angrily. Well, two can play at that game! Hector will hire the best baker to make MY cake, she thought with a smirk.
The next evening was the day most of the houses would light up. The Donati manor was elaborately decorated with icicle lights outlining the trim of the mansion, lit-up candy canes on the path, lights on the palm trees, snowmen, gingerbread men, an inflatable snowglobe, and a lit-up Santa on his sleigh with his reindeer pulling him on the roof.
Deimos’ house had red and green lights on the trim and green lights wrapped around the trees on the lawn. From the large window, you could see the nine-foot Christmas tree adorned with multicolored lights, gold garland, multicolor balls, and various ornaments. You could also see the fireplace with several stockings hung on the mantel of the fireplace.
Tristan’s house had white lights on the trim, white lights wrapped around the trees, and a wreath hung on his door with white lights and lit-up wreaths above each window. White lights lined the driveway and pathway to the house.
Lazaros’ house has multicolored lights adorning the trim, several lit-up reindeer, snowmen, Santa’s workshop with the elves, a gingerbread house to the side, and a floating Santa with reindeer pulling his sleigh circling the house. Strung around the trees were multicolored lights, multicolored lights on bushes, and an inflatable snowman. There were also speakers on the lawn playing Christmas music.
Tristan, Deimos, Celeste, Ashley, and Lazaros all looked at Lazaros’ house.
Celeste: “Guys, I think we’re in the North Pole and not Pink Top City.”
She quipped.
Ashley: “Actually, it’s an illusion! You’re still in Pink Top City!”
They whispered and beamed.
Deimos: “I never knew.”
He said dryly.
Lazaros: “I know, isn’t this amazing? I’m going to win the prize again this year.”
He said loftily and planted his hands on his hips.
Lazaros: “Tristan’s place is underwhelming. But I think Tristan underperforms in all areas, except turning people against me.”
He deadpanned. Tristan gaped at him and Deimos glared at him.
Tristan: “Interestingly enough, Lazaros, I did hardly anything in that field. You did all the work. I never pegged you to give me credit for your work, but you do you.”
He countered. Ashley turned to Lazaros.
Ashley: “That’s not true! He didn’t turn me against you!”
They smiled up at Lazaros. Lazaros gave Tristan the side-eye.
Tristan: “For now, he didn’t. I wouldn’t hold my breath.”
He smirked back at Lazaros.
Lazaros: “Why do you say that, Wonder Boy?”
Tristan: “Lazaros, old habits die hard. You jumped into bed with Makayla hastily and seeing how Ashley is not going to do that, you will find someone to fill in that desire until they cave in.”
He tilted his head.
Deimos: “He’s not wrong.”
He glared at Lazaros. Ashley’s heart sank and they bowed their head.
Celeste: “Guys, what if Ashley is a cuckold?! That could work in Lazaros’ favor!”
She interjected.
Deimos: “Do you… say the first thing that pops into your head or did you give this actual thought?”
He asked evenly. Ashley: “What’s a cuckold?”
They tilted their head.
Celeste: “Uh, you don’t know?”
Ashley shook their head.
Ashley: “No, that’s why I asked?”
Lazaros cleared his throat.
Lazaros: “Whatever, I have no time for Wonder Boy and his groupies!”
He flicked his fingers at Celeste and Tristan. Deimos rolled his eyes.
Lazaros: “And the other brainlet in the basement is missing. She could be drooling over Wonder Boy, too. Ashley and I have a cake to bake for your ball.”
He smiled tightly and rubbed his head.
Ashley: “Yeah! We have a big cake to bake together!”
They beamed, clasping their hands together.
Tristan: “A big cake to match Lazaros’ big head.”
He quipped. Deimos smirked up at Tristan. Ashley glanced up at Lazaros, looking confused.
Ashley: “Looks like a regular-sized head to me!”
Deimos: “It’s a figure of speech, Ashley…”
He sighed.
Lazaros: “Go away, Wonder Boy. Isn’t your weird father prancing around naked to Ivy or is that usual for your castle of craziness?”
He countered. Ashley gaped at him and cupped their mouth.
Tristan: “Yes, please do insult your clients. It’s such a professional look.”
He said dryly.
Lazaros: “As if you didn’t insult Hector Hunter?”
Tristan glared at him disbelievingly.
Tristan: “Point out one instance where I did. I never did. I insulted JACLYN, who is NOT my client and do you really care what others do to her?”
He shot back firmly and shook his forefinger at him.
Deimos: “That’s enough, Lazaros.”
He hissed and stood in front of Tristan.
Deimos: “Bake your fucking cake and have Ashley put you on a pedestal. Shouldn’t that be enough? I guess nothing is ever enough for you!”
He snapped. Lazaros blinked and drew back, looking hurt. Ashley knit their eyebrows at Lazaros.
Ashley: “Donut worry, he has me and that’s enough!”
They assured Lazaros, pulling him into a hug. Lazaros closed his eyes and hugged them back.
Tristan chuckled, reveling in this.
Tristan: “Let him lick his wounds. Let’s go.”
He said softly to Deimos, who shivered. They walked down the street holding hands and Celeste followed alongside them.
Deimos and Tristan were in his bedroom. Deimos sat on his couch, Tristan had his feet on Deimos’ lap, and Deimos massaged his feet.
Deimos: “Long day at work?”
He worked his thumbs into Tristan’s arches. Tristan fanned his toes and curled them. He inhaled sharply.
Tristan: “I was in court for much of the day and when I returned to the office, Rosemary and Erin decorated it with a little Christmas tree, some garland, and stockings with our names on them as well as Oliver’s and Francis’s.”
He began and relaxed his feet into Deimos’ hands.
Tristan: “Then Rosemary spoke to me in the lounge to complain Archie is going to Ban Duralak for Christmas.”
He rolled his eyes.
Tristan: “All she does is complain about this man. She dated him without knowing him… and now she knows him and complains.”
He said with some irritation.
Tristan: “She complained before he departed he gave her a Christmas gift—an electric can opener.”
He laughed a bit. Deimos raised his eyebrows.
Deimos: “Not the most romantic gift. It seems like a last-minute gift or something he won at bingo and gave it to her.”
Tristan laughed softly. Deimos loved hearing his laugh.
Tristan: “Well, an electric can opener is something she could use!”
He said wryly.
The two men sat in silence for a few minutes. Deimos drew a long breath.
Deimos: “Do you ever get tired of being a therapist to these people?”
Tristan paused. He raked his fingers through his hair and blew some air through his parted lips.
Tristan: “Of course, I do. Who do you think solves my problems? I do. The problems these people come to me about are so trivial and I wonder why they are complaining about this. I wish I had only these things to think about, so maybe I would get to sleep. I don’t want to think of what traumatized me when I try to sleep… I want to think of someone getting me an electric can opener. I would show more gratitude than Rosemary did. She left the gift at the party.”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head.
Tristan: “I briefly spoke with Archie and I wouldn’t call him a romantic man. He’s fixated on trivia about plumbing, electricity, trains, and other stuff. What does she expect? He gave her something? Perhaps she complained about using manual can openers and felt this was a solution.”
He explained and shrugged.
Deimos examined Tristan’s feet and smirked.
Deimos: “Maybe you could use some therapy.”
He said softly. Tristan chuckled.
Tristan: “Yes, therapists need therapy, too. What do you suggest?”
He purred.
Deimos: “You could use some laughter.”
He smirked. Tristan shivered.
Tristan: “Ahahaha, do I now?”
He bit his bottom lip.
Deimos wiggled his fingers over Tristan’s soles and Tristan shrieked with laughter.
He cupped his cheeks as he shrieked with laughter. Deimos smirked and picked up the pace tickling his soles all over.
He laughed hard and tears welled in his eyes. Deimos felt a hardness in his jeans as he tickled Tristan’s feet and witnessed his helpless reaction.
He laughed and waved his hands. Deimos stopped. He and Tristan established a safe word long ago and they agreed on “Jaclyn’s feet.”
Tristan panted and Deimos held him close, snuggling him and kissing his head. Tristan wrapped his arms around him and rested his head on his chest, feeling safe.
Someone knocked on the door.
Tristan: “It’s open.”
The door opened and Victor poked his head in.
Victor: “Hey, boys, come on down to the living room. Ivy and I have a surprise for you!”
He beckoned them to come. Tristan rose to his feet and Deimos joined him.
They went downstairs and were greeted with a nice presentation of nachos with a dip consisting of salsa, sour cream, bell peppers, and cheese, boneless wings, and egg rolls. Ivy was seated on the couch. Tristan and Deimos marveled at the presentation and Tristan smiled to Ivy and nodded in approval. Ivy smiled and nodded back at him.
Tristan: “This is very lovely! What is the occasion?”
Ivy: “Movie night!”
Tristan raised his eyebrows and nodded. I could watch something different, he thought. He figured Ivy and his father wanted to watch Hallmark Christmas movies and while he wasn’t a fan, he was willing to watch with them. Ivy read his mind and was happy to know he feels this and is willing to accomodate them.
Celeste came in and took some egg rolls, shoving them in her mouth.
Celeste: “Oh, wow, Ivy, these egg rolls are good. I might have to fight you for some more!”
Ivy: “Why, thank you!”
Tristan: “May we have some?”
He asked wryly. She stared at him and put another egg roll in her mouth. Victor sat down with Ivy. Ivy: “Of course, I made these so we can all eat them together!”
Celeste: “You interrupted their tickling time.”
She said to Victor. Ivy froze and reddened. Deimos and Tristan both reddened. Tristan glared at her.
Tristan: “SHHH!!”
He whispered hoarsely and put his forefinger to his lips. Victor just smiled.
Victor: “It’s okay! Ivy tickles my feet and I have no shame in telling others!”
He laughed. Ivy shifted awkwardly.
Ivy: “Victor!”
She whispered hoarsely.
Celeste: “What about when I do it?”
She tickled Victor’s feet and he shrieked with laughter. Ivy furrowed her eyebrows at her.
He laughed and squirmed. Tristan felt awkward and embarrassed.
Tristan: “Can you not tickle my father’s feet?”
He asked in a small voice with a trace of irritation.
Celeste: “Oh, he likes it. He will give me a dollar if I tickle his feet.”
She drawled.
Deimos: “What a great exchange. It’s as if she’s five-years-old.”
He said dryly. Tristan drew a long breath.
Ivy: “CAN YOU NOT?!”
She blurted at Celeste, covering her face in a mix of fury and humiliation. Celeste gaped at her. Victor smiled.
Victor: “Don’t fret, darling! I love it! As she said, I give her a dollar when she does it.”
He nodded and put his arm around Ivy. Ivy looked hurt and pulled away from him.
Ivy: “Well, I don’t love it! What about my feelings? ...Y-You what?!”
She cried. Victor looked bewildered.
Victor: “What’s wrong?”
He knit his eyebrows.
Tristan drew a long, exasperated breath. He knew Ivy wasn’t happy about this and he knows she’s going to have a long talk with him on this.
Victor: “It’s just tickling, darling. She is not drawing me in the nude or sleeping with me. You are!”
He smiled. Ivy frowned.
Ivy: “Victor, please! That’s private!”
She whispered hoarsely to him, holding her hand up.
Tristan: “She did see those drawings… As we all did.”
He muttered.
Ivy: “That was supposed to be private…”
She buried her head into her hands.
Victor: “Well, when two people love each other, this stuff happens and when you have cats who can walk through walls, he sees things and tells Tristan and others.”
He offered.
Deimos: “Victor, no one can read his mind but you.”
He interjected. Ivy gaped at Victor, lost for words.
Ivy: “The cats can’t talk, so how could they have told them?!”
Deimos: “And you told my brother and Ashley about this when you put that cake order for the ball in.”
He added. Tristan felt second-hand embarrassment for Ivy. Ivy felt as if the floor was dragged out from under her feet and she was falling.
Ivy: “WHY did you tell THEM about this, too?!”
She cupped her mouth at Victor.
Victor: “Oh, it’s going to be a great cake! It’s a cake just for us!”
He said giddily. Tristan didn’t have the heart to tell him that Lazaros was mocking him behind his back about this. Ivy read his thoughts and frowned.
Ivy: “Great. We’re the laughing stock of the whole town now.”
Victor knit his eyebrows.
Victor: “No one is laughing, darling.”
Ivy: “Lazaros was mocking you and no, I’m not laughing!”
She cried.
Victor: “Why would he do such a thing?!”
He cried.
Ivy: “Because it’s Lazaros?!”
Celeste: “Maybe Ash and Laz could make a cake that say, ‘Victor has great DILF feet.’ ”
She added. Tristan gaped at her. Yes, please make this more embarrassing, he thought.
Victor: “Thank you, but what’s a DILF?”
Deimos and Tristan gawked at Victor. Tristan sighed. Ivy rubbed her temples.
Ivy: “Please don’t tell them to do that. They will.”
She groaned.
Victor: “What’s a DILF?”
He asked and scratched his head.
Ivy: “Dad I’d like to Fuck.”
She said quickly.
Ivy: “What about my feelings, Victor? How do I think I feel when you go around telling everyone about our private moments?”
She knit her eyebrows. Victor stared at her.
Victor: “I don’t know how you feel, darling!”
He replied. Tristan groaned and Celeste was eating the salsa and chips as if none of this was happening. Sometimes I envy her, Tristan thought.
Victor: “If Celeste called me that, I am flattered but I am taken! I tell people because I feel strongly for you and I am proud of what we share.”
He replied earnestly. Ivy sighed.
Ivy: “I know you do, but… those are our private moments and they’re special because they’re between us.”
She huddled herself, feeling hurt and uncomfortable.
Tristan: “Father, you’re not getting the point here. Yes, you can love someone and be in a relationship with them, but you don’t have to announce certain things to the world. Some things are best kept between you two. It doesn’t mean you love your partner any less.”
He explained. Ivy nodded in agreement with Tristan.
Tristan: “And please don’t tell Lazaros because he will mock and ridicule you, as if he is in any position to ridicule anyone.”
He added. Victor’s bottom lip trembled.
Victor: “I didn’t think I did anything wrong and why is he making fun of me?! What did I ever do to him?!”
He cried.
Deimos: “Don’t have to do anything. Just exist and he will find something.”
He said bitterly.
Ivy: “Lazaros is a bitter and hateful man. He’s terrible to everyone!”
She nodded in agreement.
Tristan: “Papa, unlike Lazaros, no one here is trying to bully you or criticize you. Just be mindful and listen to her boundaries. It doesn’t make the bond any less sacred. Some things are best kept between you two.”
He said firmly but gently. Victor closed his eyes and sighed.
Victor: “I’m sorry.”
He said softly. Ivy pursed her lips and nodded.
Ivy: “Thank you. Maybe we need to have a discussion about our boundaries?”
He nodded and smiled a bit.
Celeste: “He does have nice feet… and so does his son.”
She smiled at Tristan. Tristan and Deimos rolled their eyes.
Tristan: “Thanks.”
He muttered.
Deimos: “Glad to see you’re staying on topic, Celeste.”
He said dryly. Ivy buried her face in her hair and groaned, feeling awkward.
Celeste: “Well, why was Lucy at Lazaros’ house after Victor finished?”
Tristan’s heart sank when she said that. Deimos pursed his lips and had a bad feeling. Ivy’s eyes widened.
Ivy: “...WHAT?!”
Victor: “Oh, isn’t she a party planner and a friend of Rosemary’s?”
Tristan nodded slowly. He knew this but he couldn’t shake this wasn’t just a coincidence.
Ivy: “What the hell was SHE doing there? What is Lazaros up to?!”
She huffed.
Tristan: “I want to say she has hired him for an event she is organizing but why him specifically?”
He cupped his chin.
Ivy: “Well, he is a caterer and Ashley is a baker. But how would she get connected with them?”
She pondered.
Celeste: “Maybe your mother told her about them?”
She offered.
Ivy: “I guess so.”
She shrugged.
Victor: “Well, the cake I ordered from them is a cake for the two of us.”
He smiled at Ivy. Ivy smiled a bit.
Ivy: “I’m so excited to see it!”
She beamed. He put his arm around her and kissed her.
Fabien’s house was decorated for Christmas. The trim of his house was multicolored lights with a wreath on the door. The stockings were hung above the TV. Fabien was in the kitchen preparing some wings for Craig. He tossed a batch in some extremely hot sauce for Craig.
Craig: “Fuck yeah, hot stuff from my hot stuff!”
He grinned. Fabien chuckled.
Fabien: “Speaking of which, guess who was voted the hottest Danny Donger’s Boy?”
He smirked at him.
Craig: “YOU?!”
He grinned at him. Fabien’s eyes lit up and he nodded.
Fabien: “Yes, that’s right! Me!”
He spread his arms out.
Fabien: “And I get big, big tips during the season, especially from people who can’t get enough of me.”
He drawled.
Craig: “Yeah, well, they can’t get ya as I got you!”
He beamed, wrapping his big arms around him from behind. Fabien chuckled and snuggled in his embrace.
Fabien: “So what did you want to do for Christmas? Anything?”
He asked him.
Fabien: “Going to spend it with Makayla or just want to be with me?”
He chuckled and dished up his wings and opened a can of beer for him.
Craig: “You, of course! I wanna spend Chrissy with you!”
He smiled at him, sipping on his beer and chowing down on the wings as he spoke.
Fabien: “Chrissy?”
He laughed a bit.
Craig: “Oh, Aussie slang for Christmas!”
He explained.
Fabien nodded and pursed his lips.
Fabien: “Do you love me more than you loved Andreas?”
He finally asked.
Craig: “Fuckin’ oath I do!”
He smiled widely at him, gnawing on his wings.
Fabien: “Why?”
He asked softly.
Craig: “Cos you’re the perfect man for me! You don’t wanna go to boring bookstores ‘n you make the best wings ever! You don’t gimme mumbo jumbo I don’t understand about towers or whatever, ‘n you’re sexy as hell ‘n ya know it!”
He smiled at him. Fabien smiled widely at him.
Fabien: “That’s the spirit…”
He rose from his seat and untied his apron, dropping it on the floor. Craig’s jaw dropped along with it. Fabien removed his shirt and undid his jeans, sliding them down to the floor with his underwear. He stood before Craig completely naked. A wide grin spread across Craig’s lips and he eagerly rubbed his palms together, eyeing him with burning desire.
Craig: “That’s fuckin’ sexy as fuck!”
He drooled at him.
Fabien: “Unlike some people, I love you in your love language.”
He winked and sauntered to their bedroom. Craig wiped his mouth and dashed to the bedroom.
He got on top of Fabien kissing him and taking off his own clothes. Fabien slid off Craig’s pants and underwear and sat him on the bed. He licked his lips, took Craig’s member and slid it into his mouth. Craig threw his head back and moaned. He put his hand on Fabien’s head.
Craig: “Good boy…”
He moaned as Fabien bobbed his head and Craig thrust into his mouth.
The door swung open and Gus burst in.
Gus: “Fabien, there’s a dilemma! My friends, Hector and Trevor, need your oven to make a cake!”
He announced.
Craig: “YARGH! WHAT THE FUCK?! Don’t you KNOCK?!”
He yelped in a startled fright.
Craig: “Can’t you fuckin’ see we’re BUSY?!”
He gestured down to Fabien with his mouth around his cock. Fabien pulled his member out of mouth and sighed.
Gus: “Yeah, he could have kept going but my friends need the oven to make this cake!”
He said doggedly.
Fabien: “What cake?”
Gus: “For some ball Tristan’s family is putting on. Jaclyn said she wanted the best chefs to bake her cake and Hector said Trevor is and I agreed.”
He drawled. Fabien gaped at him and a smile curled on his lips.
Fabien: “You know what? So do I.”
Craig gaped at him.
He burst out laughing.
Craig: “Fuck, Hector is a legend. This is gonna be fuckin’ amazing!”
He cackled.
Gus ran out of the room where Hector and Trevor were at the table.
Gus: “They said it was cool.”
Hector: “GREAT! My queen bee will get her dream cake made by the best chef ever!”
Trevor: “Darryl is the best baker but I think I come next!”
He nodded.
Trevor: “From what I saw when he did it, it looks easy enough! Just bake the cake and put on the colored icing! It’s a piece of cake!”
He shrugged and laughed.
After Craig and Fabien showered, Fabien slipped on a pair of green plaid pajama bottoms. Craig didn’t put anything on and crawled into bed nude. Fabien cuddled him and rested his head on his chest. The two men heard Trevor, Hector, and Gus in the kitchen and Fabien burst out laughing. Craig cackled and kissed Fabien’s head.
Fabien: “Can’t wait to see the masterpiece for our neighbor.”
He snorted.
Craig: “Fuckin’ oath!”
He laughed.
Fabien: “Do you want to go to the Trémaux Christmas ball?”
He asked and looked up at him.
Craig: “Will the masterpiece cake be there?”
He asked. Fabien nodded. Craig smiled widely.
Craig: “Then FUCK YES. Let’s have a ball of laughter!”
He cackled.